I have posted the first two of a collection of pages dedicated to the native plants Nadia has identified in our yard. You can find them in the Our Native Plants pull-down menu. I hope to add about one per week until all 141 species she has found so far has its own page with information about the plant, its characteristics as a team player (or not) in a natives landscape, its uses, and other, hopefully, interesting information about it. That last part might include odd bits of folklore and legend about the plant, recipes for it (assuming it’s edible), plenty of links for further resources, and sources for seed and sets. And photographs. There will always be photographs.
If anyone has a plant or plants that they would like to see featured from our list (go to the Our Native Plants page link), I can tackle them early on. Otherwise it’s as the muse moves me. Next up is probably wild leeks. Maybe.
And I promise to pretty that list up one of these days.